Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cat on the Balcony...

The following is a record of my thoughts as I went to observe a student organization… from the balcony.

Who is supposed to be in charge? Is it the older guy in the side row? He looks like an advisor. Is it the older speaker with the powerpoint? He looks more like a professor. Is it that guy at the side of the room who can’t sit down? Wait, is he talking? Oops I guess he is.

When the members quiet down, I can hear a little of what he’s saying. I guess they have a couple of trips planned, one to the zoo and one to volunteer at the Wilds Wildlife Conservation. Neither has a date set; it is up to the members to decide. Well that’s a flexible way to run things. I assume this organization is pretty relaxed.

What’s the point of this organization? If I didn’t already know because it’s listed in the name, I would have no clue. Any group can go to the zoo or volunteer for wildlife. This group is meant to connect members with opportunities. However, it seems that the members all have more important groups and don’t take this one so seriously. I’m not sure the organization’s activities and mission are consistent with each other. Maybe next week, at the executive meeting, I will ask the side-of-the-room-guy what exactly the organization’s mission is.

Now that I think of past community events, I don’t really remember seeing this organization represented. I will have to ask around and see if members attend community events for this organization. If members don’t take this organization seriously, then who will?

Wow what a great environment. I seriously have not laughed so much at a meeting in a really long time. A sense of humor is definitely valued in this organization. It seems like the members all have good relationships with one another and they have a wonderful group dynamic. The environment is very relaxed and makes me think of happy things. Instead of being distracting, the humor seems to add to the feelings of goodwill and to the points of the speaker, who is also a very funny man. (He is from Britain and has the most delightful accent. He actually referred to his daughter as “most dreadful.” I think I am in love.)

Well, after observing this student organization for the first time, I am excited to spend more time with these amusing people. I would like to understand this organization’s mission better and hopefully help them become more effective, so we will see how next week’s executive meeting goes. I feel as if I understand the context of this organization well after my view from the balcony.

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